I am 22 years old. I am an Elementary School substitute teacher. I am a Classic Lolita. I am a lady, hoping to become one in the classic sense of the word. I am deeply religious. I am an avid reader and film-maker. I live in the United States. I love to write with a dip pen and seal my letters with sealing wax. I wish I knew how to spin wool and weave. I like warm weather better than cold. I am the eldest of six children. I have never been outside the US, but someday hope to visit Poland, Ireland, Paraguay and Japan. I have a special place in my heart for Savannah, Georgia. I love to crochet and cross-stitch, although I'm not very good at it. I'm a decent cook with a recipe, but my favorite foods are instant. I'm accident-prone. I grew up in a very conservative family, and love them very much. I collect crystal, most of which is packed away. I have moderate anxiety and depression. I teach the four year old class at my church. I play the violin and the piano, neither very well. I love things that smell good, and soft things. I'm single. I love to learn new things, from furniture making to self defense. I like a lot of episodes of Star Trek, and I love shows about the paranormal. I can't sleep after watching aforementioned paranormal shows at night. XP
So. That's a little about me. I'll tell you about my history with Lolita in a later entry. I hope you liked getting to know a bit about me. Feel free to ask questions or comment!
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