Saturday, July 30, 2011

New Reservations for IW

Innocent World is just about the only brand I watch for new items (mostly because I can't figure Baby's reservation page out, and MM and JetJ seem to sell out via psychic hotline before they release the reservations ;-) ). They've announced a few things, and I thought I'd share some here!

Triple Stripe Jumperskirt: This looks pretty nice! The stripe pattern is really pretty, and the fabric looks nice. However (and I'm not sure if this was just the fit on the model) the lace on the waistband makes the bodice look a little baggy. Overall like factor: 4/5

Flocky Tulle Jumperskirt: I really, really wanted to like this! It looks so cute in this picture, but with a blouse underneath it looks a little awkward. It would probably be better with a short-sleeved blouse instead of the detachable-sleeve blouse IW put on their model. And though I'm not a fan of empire waists (especially on me) the blouse and shape of this dress make me very happy! Overall Like: 4.75/5

Sailor Collar A-Line Onepiece: This was another one I wanted to like. I'm such a fan of sailor! And while the colors are fantastic and I love the cuffs on the sleeves, the fit, the FIT! Augh! There is none! It looks like a sack on the model, and I really don't think it's meant to be fitted around the waist. With a petticoat, that just makes it look...not good. XP Overall Like: 2/5

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Lolita: Good for More than "Feeling Pretty"

Me with some of the members of my community.
That's right--Lolita has more benefits than being able to feel beautiful. Despite the sweet "little girl" aesthetic, Lolita has actually helped me grow up.

I freely admit it--I'm a momma's girl. And although my close relationship with my mother brings me more happiness than I could ever part with, it brought me one other thing: dependency.

Without going into too much detail, let's just say I was severely handicapped when it came to the social department due to a psychological disorder. Stores, parties, restaurants...all were terrifying places for me. I couldn't order at McDonalds on my own without having a veritable panic attack! In short: I couldn't do things for myself that some people do almost daily. My parents did everything they could to help me, but I stayed this way into my early 20s, when a breakdown finally caused them to put me into therapy.

By this time, I had been into Lolita for about a year. My parents were unsupportive of my hobby, probably because they saw it as trying to return to childhood--something that would not help me with my social predicament. I was starting to see some benefits of Lolita in my life: When I put on Lolita, I knew I was pretty. When people stared at me in the mall, I didn't have to wonder if there was some smudge in a horrible place; instead, I simply attributed it to the clothing and smiled. When I was in Lolita, I didn't care what anyone else thought of me...a refreshing change from my daily self-critisism. I knew I loved Lolita for these things, but the bulk of my "Lolita therapy" had yet to come.

Recently, I found myself the head of my local community. I certainly didn't seek this; it happened mostly because I wanted to see more of my friends and started planning meetups. Pretty soon I found myself creating and modding a new community (the old one got spammed and the owner was MIA) and dealing with a whole new set of pressures. I had to make sure the community stayed a fun and safe place for everyone. I had to set down and enforce community rules. I had to plan the meetups, and then make sure everybody got there and back okay. Not to mention making sure everybody had fun (yes, call me over-performing, I know I can't FORCE people to have fun)! Suddenly there was no time to cower in the corner wondering if the ticket-taker would think I was an idiot. Not attending meetups was not an option. I had to go grow up.

As far as I know, none of my community members knows the number of obstacles I conquer at a simple meetup. And that's a good thing; it means I can act like a regular adult! To save face with my community, I make myself do things I normally wouldn't with an attitude I generally don't possess. I actually order for myself! I take charge, making sure everything runs as smoothly as possible. I decide things! Recently, I've found myself looking forward to my Lolita meetups not only because I can dress up and see friends, but as an opportunity to force myself to be an adult. I've already seen some of these behaviors becoming easier for me in everyday life, and hope eventually to become as independent as I want to be.

That's right--Lolita is helping me grow up. And I love it! I'm even giving a panel at an upcoming convention...and I'm in charge. I'm looking forward to it!

To the reader: What unexpected benefits have come to you through Lolita fashion?

Saturday, July 9, 2011

July Meetup!

I arrived a bit early and waited outside the Historical Printing building for people to arrive.

Soon enough, we were a group of...what, 5 or so? That's the largest number we've ever had attend our meetups! I don't have a pic of everyone together yet because I didn't get one with my camera. Anyway, we went into Colonial Days. It was a lot smaller than it seemed, and I think many things weren't fully going, but we saw a few fun things and I saw a spinning wheel! I even got a tip on where to buy one! *squee* However, they ran out of fans. :-( (Bonus points for anyone who actually knows what the heck I'm talking about).

Having received an exciting text, we went on a search for Chris and his girlfriend, Emily (I hope I got her name right...)! And guess what? We found them! Introductions all around (I'm so awkward at intros) and we went to the HUGE Freedom Days vendor's fair! There were so many things to look at (including a bunch of hair accessories) and we walked and talked. Jordan had to leave early, but we managed to grab a group shot before she left (again, not on my camera, sorry). I walked her to her car, then came back and ACTUALLY found the group again! w00t! Chris and I found out we have Star Trek TNG in common,

Adriene (sorry if I got that wrong) found a cool hair accessory that would work with her short hair (that's Chris and Emily watching),

Emily found some shiny sharp things,

and Amber and friend (sorry, friend, forgot your name) found a new boyfriend! ;-)

It was really hot, so we got some sorbet and food and sat in the shade to eat! Actually, Amber and friend found the shade, then we found them! We had fun talking (I made an embarrassing freudian slip involving the the word "banger") and then I had to leave! Anyone who stayed can add details if the meetup continued after that.

Shot of Amber and friend playing with their "yo-yos:"

Once again, thanks for coming and for reading! I LOVE THIS COMM!

Friday, July 8, 2011


Recipes are on hold until I find 'em. I've been waiting till I can write a "perfect post" and then having to play catch up. But that's not working. There's always something to make me wait: I don't have all the pics from a meetup, can't find the recipes, don't have time to write more than a paragraph...

But I think people would rather have regular posts than perfect ones. So I'm going to TRY to post at least once a week. ;-) We'll see how that turns out. Look forward to an update tomorrow on the most recent meetup!

Mostly, this post is to say: HELP! XD

I need to know what you want to hear about! Any mysteries of the universe you want unfolded? Products reviewed? Burning questions about anything but my love life? XP What would you like to see?